Posts in Health care
Words Worth Noting - January 18, 2022

“researchers who study emotion regulation – how we cope, or fail to cope, with the daily swirl of feelings – are discovering that many anxious people are bound and determined (though not always consciously) to cultivate anxiety.”

A Newsweek item quoted in “Social Studies” in Globe & Mail February 11, 2011

We all think we're larrikins, but...

In my latest Loonie Politics column I suggest the reason Canadians have been docile in the face of harsh and often arbitrary pandemic measures is that we are becoming a nation of sheep who bleat “I am a rebel” in unison because the government told us to.

Of politics and equal rights

My talk to the Dec. 11 Canadian Association for Equality “Momentum” conference, on the subject of politics being downstream from culture, is now available here (as is the entire conference). And if you’re thinking I haven’t learned much about Zoom setup in the last two years, well, the results speak for themselves… unfortunately.