Posts in Health care
Words Worth Noting - August 9, 2023

“The simple truth would still cause a considerable sensation. It is the one shock for which the world is still waiting.”

G.K. Chesterton in New Witness January 6, 1923, quoted in “Chesterton for Today” in Gilbert The Magazine of the Society of G.K. Chesterton Vol. 25 #3 (Jan.-Feb. 2022)

Less government through less government

In my latest Epoch Times column I ask politicians, activists and citizens to think of something, anything, that governments in Canada should just stop doing, or trying to, because it’s not a legitimate state function or because they’re too overloaded just now to tackle that thing as well. If nobody can thing of even one, I don’t just know we have a problem, I know what it is.

Words Worth Noting - May 31, 2023

“Why would a journal [The Lancet] committed to scientific rigor & medical ethics totally ignore the good reasons people have for stigmatizing untreated mental illness?/ Find out at my Substack!”

Tweet from Michael Shellenberger October 11, 2022 [] pointing to his piece “Dark Side of Destigmatization/ No human being should be stigmatized. But untreated mental illness and addiction are dangerous and destructive, and should be.”