In my latest National Post column I ask whether Canadians will yet again excuse a pathetic performance by an elite institution because we are snobs.
In my latest Epoch Times column I say inflation isn’t a conspiracy run out of Davos and the conservatives don’t have a hidden agenda and climate skeptics aren’t in the pay of Big Oil and nobody can be bothered plotting against you nor could they if they tried because the people in power are just as muddled as they appear to be.
In my latest National Post column I say one of the most glaring flaws in the 1982 Constitution, including the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, was the failure even to attempt to put checks and balances on the judiciary.
In my latest Epoch Times column I say the Charter of Rights and Freedoms doesn’t protect freedom, it protects our right to impose on other people, because it was designed by utilitarians to override natural law and it does.
“Few believe that France and Germany could go to war again or that Communism could again aspire to be a world system.”
British journalist John Lloyd writing in Globe & Mail March 15, 2000 (a piece Xi Jinping apparently missed)
In my latest National Post column I say the increasingly obvious crumbling of key public institutions in Canada is proof that social justice is as antisocial as it is unjust.
In my latest National Post column I argue that the real division in Canada is between people who praise diversity in theory but suppress it in practice and those who do the opposite.
In my latest Epoch Times column I say the Ontario NDP proposal to bring all mental health care into our crumbling public system reflects a broad, nonpartisan, goofy belief that government is the main and best creator of wealth in a society.