In my latest Mercatornet column I say the U.S. midterms show once again the fatuity of seeking salvation through elections.
In my latest Mercatornet column I warn that the divisions over the protest convoy reflect a collapse of trust in Canadian society that will not be healed by both sides acting untrustworthy.
In The Interim I reflect on classic books on the vital topic of citizenship only to realize I can’t think of any.
In my latest Mercatornet column I compare the re-impeachment of Donald Trump with some other examples of historical vindictiveness.
In my latest Mercatornet column I say Biden’s hackneyed Inaugural speech may do no harm. But it did not rise to the occasion like, say, Lincoln’s magnificent Second Inaugural and did not even really seem to try.
In my latest Mercatornet article I say the Capitol hill riot resulted from unchecked hatred in the human heart, and should not be the trigger for more of the same from anyone.
In my latest Mercatornet column I find good news amid the snarling and sneering about the 2020 Presidential race: Trump’s increased vote among blacks and other minorities shows that the bitterly divisive horror story about America’s hopeless “systemic” racism is not true and is increasingly not believed even by the supposed victims.
In my latest Mercatornet article I ask people who call themselves rational and civil to look at COVID-19 through some less politicized and more edifying lens than boo hiss down with Trump.