In my latest National Post column I say Canadian politicians, and many voters, are dangerously out of touch with basic economic realities.
In a Financial Post column today I say the Supreme Court's ruling in the "case of beer" a.k.a. R. v. Comeau is not only ill-timed and legally illogical, it's post-truth.
This Saturday at 7 pm I'll be speaking on "Restoring the Alberta Advantage" at the Kitscoty Community Hall in Kitscoty, Alberta. If you're in the area and can make it we'd love to see you there.
"Truth unasserted is a lie unopposed."
George Jonas in the National Post Dec. 11, 2010
"It will not do to offer democracy, secularism and licentious living as an alternative to religious extremism. The answer to bad religion is good religion — to put it more elegantly, theology is required to answer the false claims of unreasonable religious positions."
Fr. Raymond J. De Souza in National Post January 31, 2008 (after favourably quoting George Weigel's claim that "It is thus a great folly to think that jihadism and the terrorism it underwrites can be understood in terms drawn primarily from the patois of the therapeutic society, as if jihadist terrorism were some Levantine form of psychiatric aberration. Within their own theological frame of reference and the reading of history it warrants, jihadists are not crazy. They make, to themselves, a terrible kind of sense.")