In my latest Epoch Times column I comment on how our leaders would be forgetting history with respect to Israel finishing the fight with Hamas if they even knew any history.
In my latest Epoch Times column I say the death of Rex Murphy is a terrible loss especially because we have also lost the kind of place he held in our national life.
In my latest Epoch Times column, I condemn Ontario public-sector unions who support pro-Hamas protests, which is not merely a violation of their mandate but also a gross affront to their supposedly progressive values.
In my latest National Post column, I say Western leaders’ calls for Israel not to retaliate for Iran’s blatant act of war amounts to “Free hits on Jews” and is disgusting, cowardly and a recipe for disaster.
In my latest Epoch Times column I say the real scandal in our government falsely claiming to be helping the U.S. and Britain against Iranian-backed Islamist pirates isn’t that they’re lying, it’s that they’re deluded.
In my latest Epoch Times column I contemplate the painfully familiar task of finding comfort at Christmastime despite everything.
In my latest National Post column I lament widespread vicious persecution of Christians abroad, and the puzzling indifference to it here in Canada.
In my latest National Post column I say the tendency of Western feminists to side with Hamas, to the point of denying systematic rape during the Oct. 7 attack, reveals starkly that something is extremely wrong with an ideology that claims to be motivated by love and compassion.