In my latest Epoch Times column I argue that the Canadian Forces face an enlistment crisis because they’re too woke already, not because they aren’t woke enough yet
In my latest Epoch Times column I denounce the enduring capacity of politicians to be surprised by predictable developments and then unable to cope with them.
“As to fighting, keep out of it if you can, by all means. When the time comes, if it ever should, that you have to say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to a challenge to fight, say ‘No’ if you can – only take care you make it clear to yourselves why you say ‘No.’ It’s a proof of the highest courage, if done from true Christian motives. It’s quite right and justifiable, if done from a simple aversion to physical pain and danger. But don’t say ‘No’ because you fear a licking, and say or think it’s because you fear God, for that’s neither Christian nor honest. And if you do fight, fight it out; and don’t give in while you can stand and see.”
Thomas Hughes Tom Brown’s Schooldays
In my latest National Post column I say that whether American President Joe Biden broke the taboo on saying explicitly that the U.S. would defend Taiwan as a calculated geopolitical measure, or because he’s losing it, it makes the world a safer place that he blurted it out.
“D is a very weak-minded fellow I am afraid and, like the feather pillow, bears the marks of the last person who has sat on him.”
“Lord Haig” re “Lord Derby” in 1918, quoted by Mark Steyn in the Daily Telegraph August 1, 2004
In my latest National Post column I say the cycle of COVID lockdowns is like a bad remake of Groundhog Day, where no lessons get learned
The German ambassador to Austria-Hungary, Baron von Tschirschky “was not much liked in Vienna: he was a stiff north German of the sort who agreed with Bismarck that ‘the Bavarian is a cross between the Austrian and homo sapiens’.”
Norman Stone “Archduke Franz Ferdinand Survives Sarajevo” in Andrew Roberts, ed., What Might Have Been
In my latest Loonie Politics column I write an open letter to Xi Jinping asking him to put his megalomaniac geopolitical ambitions on hold until Canada gets some new submarines in about 20 years.