In my latest Epoch Times column I praise people for observing the externals of Christmas then urge them to open their hearts, minds and ears just a little wider while singing carols.
In my latest Epoch Times column I say that Members of Parliament need to be focused on the core, and crumbling, functions of government rather than getting distracted by exotica like advanced research criteria. The state can’t and shouldn’t do everything, and at the moment it’s not doing much of anything properly in Canada, so worry about the tax code not the genetic code, defence not dark matter, and deficits not dilithium. (It’s based on testimony I’m giving before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Science and Research on December 10.)
In my latest Epoch Times column I ask that Santa Claus bring me a functioning Canadian military up north, and everywhere, because my government certainly doesn’t seem likely to provide one.
In my latest Epoch Times column I comment on the curious absence, at the just-concluded and disastrously failed COP29 climate conference in Baku, Azerbaijan, of any meaningful discussion of science.
In my latest Epoch Times column I talk about the contrast between the “modern”, aka Westernized, world and much of the planet, with the specific example of what it was like inside and outside the conference centre at COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan. (There’s also a video on the same theme.)
In the Epoch Times this week I praised Tom Holland’s Dominion for arguing compellingly that values we consider universal, such as “human rights”, are actually specifically Judeo-Christian in origin and I warned that they are unlikely to survive the ongoing loss of faith.
In my latest Epoch Times column I said the scariest thing about the current debate over social programs is that there isn’t one. We tried 30 years ago, realized it was hard, gave up and spent our way to economic and social ruin.
In my latest Epoch Times column I say fashion’s obsession with novelty and related denial of truth was bad enough when it involved clothes, food or music. When it’s body types, it’s managed to get even worse.