In my latest Loonie Politics column I note the ominous apparent paradox in which as the federal government spends and hires ever more recklessly, the national police force totally fails to attend to its core duty of protecting that government and its citizens from subversion, espionage and so on.
In my latest National Post column I describe the weird combination of tedium and fury induced by listening to members of the UN special committee for blaming Israel for all problems in the Mideast droning on.
In my latest Epoch Times column I say the Supreme Court ruling on the former Bill C-69, aka Impact Assessment Act, is not a big win for those who don’t want the feds to crush our energy industry, and we need to engage on the science of climate change not count on sloppily-drafted legislation to save us from the zealots.
In my latest Mercatornet column I say the United States Supreme Court is contributing to the corrosive distrust spreading in their society, and ours as well.
“There is a straight road which runs from Runnymede to Philadelphia. We did not ‘borrow’ provisions from the British Constitution, which had come from the people; those provisions were ours, paid for with the lives of our ancestors on many a battlefield. I have examined the matter. I tell you our Constitution came up from the body of a self-governing people. But we can lose our capacity to govern by its nonexercise.”
Congressman Hatton Sumners of Texas in 1937, quoted in Daniel Hannan, Inventing Freedom: How the English-Speaking Peoples Made the Modern World
In my latest Loonie Politics column I say the only way for David Johnson to dispel serious doubts about his suitability on Chinese Communist election meddling is to issue an immediate, vigorous call for an immediate, vigorous inquiry.
“For all you good folks who think Islam is just Christianity in funny hats, or that Islam is the ‘Religion of Peace’, or that ‘we all worship the same God’ .../ ... nope. None of those are true in the slightest.”
Tweet from Willis Eschenbach 20/4/22 [] commenting on tweet about “Islamic Republic of Iran gives converts to Christianity five years prison for ‘deviant propaganda’”
In an interview with Barry W. Bussey of the First Freedoms Foundation I discuss why Magna Carta is still relevant to our liberties and Constitutional order today, including religions freedom.