In my latest Epoch Times column, I ask that people apply their vaunted “evidence-based decision-making” to the claim that there are hundreds of unmarked graves of aboriginal kids killed in residential schools in cruel or callous ways or stop making it.
In my latest Mercatornet column I say the United States Supreme Court is contributing to the corrosive distrust spreading in their society, and ours as well.
In my latest Loonie Politics column, I offer unsolicited advice from the dark side to the new Treasury Board President on how not to incur the wrath of Trudeau, and wish her luck because she’s going to need it.
In my latest National Post column I ridicule the notion that Canada must bring in half a million immigrants a year to build homes for the half-million immigrants we bring in a year to build homes for all the immigrants.
In my latest Epoch Times column I take aim at Orwellian social justice as is unjust, antisocial and un-Canadian.
“The simple truth would still cause a considerable sensation. It is the one shock for which the world is still waiting.”
G.K. Chesterton in New Witness January 6, 1923, quoted in “Chesterton for Today” in Gilbert The Magazine of the Society of G.K. Chesterton Vol. 25 #3 (Jan.-Feb. 2022)
In my latest Epoch Times column I ask politicians, activists and citizens to think of something, anything, that governments in Canada should just stop doing, or trying to, because it’s not a legitimate state function or because they’re too overloaded just now to tackle that thing as well. If nobody can thing of even one, I don’t just know we have a problem, I know what it is.
In my latest Epoch Times column I say rearranging cabinet chairs while leaving policy untouched doesn’t even send the intended message let alone fix any real problems.